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AI, Ethics and Society

AI and Ethics Initiative


Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Dialogue

Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Dialogue

Practical Implementation of Ethical AI Principles

Practical Implementation of Ethical AI Principles

Research Integration, Knowledge Sharing, and Outreach

Research Integration, Knowledge Sharing, and Outreach

Purpose and Objectives

The primary purpose of the Ethics and AI Group is to create a platform for critical examination and exploration of the ethical dimensions of AI. By engaging with scholars, researchers, and practitioners from different fields, the group aims to:

  1. Increase awareness and understanding of the ethical considerations surrounding AI development, deployment, and impact on society among the university community.
  2. Facilitate collaborative discussions and exchanges of ideas between various faculties, encouraging multidisciplinary perspectives and insights on the ethical implications of AI.
  3. Support and promote ethical AI research initiatives by integrating research groups from different faculties and providing a space for sharing expertise, methodologies, and best practices.
  4. Explore the intersection of ethics and law in the context of AI technologies, engaging with legal experts and policymakers to contribute to developing ethical and legal frameworks for AI.
  5.  Advocate for responsible AI development and deployment, emphasising the importance of transparency, accountability, and fairness in AI systems.

Benefits and Importance of Collaboration

Collaboration across faculties within Queen Mary University of London holds several benefits and is crucial in addressing the ethical challenges of AI effectively: 

  • Collaboration brings together diverse viewpoints, expertise, and methodologies, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the ethical implications of AI.
  • Integrating various disciplines facilitates a holistic examination of AI ethics, considering social, cultural, legal, and technological aspects.
  • Collaborative research efforts allow for pooling resources, knowledge, and expertise, leading to innovative and impactful research outcomes.
  • By engaging with academia, industry, and policy experts, the group can contribute to shaping ethical practices and policies, making a broader societal impact beyond the university.
  • Collaboration provides opportunities for networking with researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, fostering connections that can lead to future collaborations and career opportunities.

The Ethics and AI Group recognises the importance of collaboration and aims to create an inclusive and dynamic space for meaningful discussions, research collaborations, and engagement with the wider community.

Aims and Goals - Facilitating Interdisciplinary Dialogue

Bringing together faculty members and students from various disciplines to foster collaborative discussions on ethics and AI:


  • Organising regular interdisciplinary workshops, seminars, and roundtable discussions providing a platform for faculty members and students to share their perspectives, research findings, and insights on the ethical implications of AI and their work.
  • Encouraging participation from diverse disciplines such as computer science, law, philosophy, medicine, psychology, sociology & politics, literature and more to promote interdisciplinary learning and collaboration.


Promoting understanding and awareness of the ethical implications of artificial intelligence across different fields:


  • Conducting awareness campaigns and informational sessions to educate the university community about the ethical challenges and concerns associated with AI technologies.
  • Hosting guest lectures by experts in AI ethics to provide insights into the current state of ethics in AI and its impact on various disciplines.
  • Encouraging faculty members to incorporate ethical considerations into their respective courses and research projects, fostering a culture of ethical awareness and responsible AI practices.


By facilitating interdisciplinary dialogue, the Ethics and AI Group aims to bridge the gap between different fields, enabling a comprehensive understanding of the ethical challenges posed by AI. This collaboration will contribute to developing ethical guidelines, policies, and frameworks that can guide AI research and development in a responsible and socially beneficial manner.

Aims and Goals - Research Integration and Knowledge Sharing

Encouraging research groups to collaborate and share their findings, fostering interdisciplinary research in the field of ethics and AI.


The Ethics and AI Group aims to foster collaboration among research groups from different faculties, encouraging them to collaborate and share their findings. By facilitating interdisciplinary research projects, the group seeks to address complex ethical issues related to AI from diverse perspectives. Regular research symposiums and conferences will be organised, providing researchers with a platform to present their work, exchange ideas, and explore opportunities for collaboration. Additionally, establishing research clusters or interest groups within the Ethics and AI Group will promote ongoing collaboration and knowledge sharing focused on specific areas of ethical concerns in AI.


Creating a platform for sharing expertise, methodologies, and best practices related to ethics in AI research.


The Ethics and AI Group recognises the importance of sharing expertise, methodologies, and best practices to advance ethical research in AI. An online repository or knowledge-sharing platform will be developed within the group, allowing faculty members, researchers, and students to contribute and access resources related to ethics in AI. Workshops and training sessions will be organised to educate participants on ethical research practices in AI, fostering a community of shared learning and collaboration. Additionally, the group will invite external experts to deliver presentations and lead discussions on cutting-edge ethical research methodologies and approaches in AI, ensuring members have access to the latest advancements and insights in the field.

Aims and Goals - Invited Speakers and Workshops

  • Organizing regular speaker sessions with prominent experts in ethics and AI to provide diverse perspectives and insights.
  • Hosting workshops and seminars to facilitate hands-on learning experiences and engage with practical ethical issues in AI development and implementation.

Aims and Goals - Policy and Legal Considerations

  • Addressing the intersection of ethics and law in the context of AI technologies.
  • Engaging with legal experts and policymakers to explore the ethical and legal frameworks surrounding AI and identify potential areas for improvement.

Aims and Goals - Outreach and Collaboration

  • Collaborating with external organisations, industry professionals, and other universities to expand the network and enhance the impact of the group.
  • Organizing conferences, symposiums, or panel discussions on the broader societal implications of AI and promoting responsible AI development and deployment.
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