"My name’s Dola and I graduated from QMUL in 2014. (I'm second from the left in the photograph!) I was very blessed to have been elected Student Union President immediately afterwards; this job meant a lot to me and was my small way of giving back to the University and the Union – both of which had given me a lot.
"My overall experience here was great. I studied Economics, joined many societies and made lifelong friends as a result. Being of a Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) background, I know and see how proportionally less BME students are deciding not to go to university because of the increased fees and associated student costs.
"This is why I decided to make a gift to the University in my Will; I want to make a difference to students’ lives – I don’t want financial hardship to be an added burden to them when they worked extremely hard to attend such a prestigious Russel Group University."