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School of International Arbitration

PARIS EVENT: How Should International Arbitrators Interpret Commercial Contracts?

20 May 2014

Time: 6:30 - 8:00pm
Venue: University of London Institute in Paris, 9-­11 rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris

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The New Voices in Commercial Law (NVCL) is a seminar series which aims to provide a forum for debate and an opportunity for attendees to hear early career academics with outstanding potential talk about their research in an intellectually stimulating environment.

This will be the second NVCL seminar to be held in Paris, with another scheduled for the autumn of 2014.

Speaker: Joshua Karton

Joshua Karton is an Assistant Professor at Queen’s University (Canada), where he teaches and writes about international arbitration, comparative and international contract law, and international uniform law, often from a sociological perspective. In general, his writing explores what happens when private actors from different backgrounds - legal, cultural, and linguistic - meet in the international legal arena. He is the author of The Culture of International Arbitration and the Evolution of Contract Law (OUP 2013).

Commentator: Sophie Nappert

Sophie Nappert is a dual-qualified lawyer in Canada and in the UK. She is an arbitrator in independent practice, based in London. Before becoming a full-time arbitrator, she was Head of International Arbitration at a global law firm. She is the peer-nominated Moderator of OGEMID, the online discussion forum on current issues of international investment law, economic law and arbitration. She is described in the legal directories as 'a first-rate lawyer and one of the top new-generation arbitrators'.

Chair: Dr Andromachi Georgosouli

Dr Andromachi Georgosouli is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, and the research convenor of the NVCL series. Her research focuses on theories of regulation and the regulation of financial markets.


For directions to the venue, please refer to the map.

How to Book

This event is free but prior registration is required via the CCLS Eventbrite page no later than Friday 2 May 2014. 

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