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School of International Arbitration

Arbitration and Insolvency - an inescapable clash of cultures

When: Friday, May 14, 2021, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Where: Online

This webinar is offered under the auspices of London International Disputes Week, as a member event, hosted by Queen Mary University of London and CMS in cooperation with Arbinsol. The webinar will explore the interaction of arbitration and insolvency and the inevitable clash of cultures. Following an introduction to the theme, a roundtable discussion will explore different perspectives from the viewpoint of different stakeholders and in a comparative law setting.



  • Professor Loukas Mistelis, Queen Mary University of London
  • Richard Bamforth, CMS

Setting the Scene

  • Dr Stefan Riegler

Roundtable Discussion

  • Kushal Gandhi, Partner, CMS
  • Professor Stefan Kroell, Bucerius Law School
  • Dr Vesna Lazic, Utrecht University and Asser Institute
  • Felicity Toube, QC, South Square


  • Ishaan Madaan, ArbInsol
  • Prakhar Chauhan, ArbInsol

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