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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard Institute Work Experience Programme (BIWEP)

The Blizard Institute Work Experience Programme welcomes year 10-12 students who are interested in studying Medicine or a Biomedical related degree at university or are considering a career in a similar field.

Neuron Pod illuminated outside the Blizard building at night

Our week-long programme will provide students with the exciting opportunity to gain experience in a laboratory setting and learn more about the medical research here at the Blizard Institute.

What will I be doing?

You will mainly be shadowing our PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in the centres of Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research, Genomics and Child Health, Immunobiology, Neuroscience, Surgery and Trauma, and in the Core Laboratory Facilities as per the general schedule below:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9.30am Welcome Lab Management/
Core Facilities
Genomics and
Child Health

Centre of the Cell

BIWEP coordinator and students: journal and week evaluation

(ending at 1.30pm)

10.00am Induction
10.15am–12.30pm Lab Management/
Core Facilities
12.30–1.30pm Lunch
1.30–4.15pm Lab Management/
Core Facilities
Lab Management/
Core Facilities
Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research   Neuroscience, Surgery and Trauma


4.15–4.30pm Journal  Journal  Journal  Journal 

Please note that the schedule could be modified by Centre Managers at any time depending on their staff activity/priorities.

Students will be included in one of the Centre of the Cell STEM Pod shows and/or Neuron Pod workshops depending on availability. Centre of the Cell is our public engagement centre for informal science-learning.

There may be some seminars, lectures or meetings scheduled for the week that students will be encouraged to attend, if allowed.

Who can participate?

  • Students in years 10-12 residing in London, United Kingdom.
  • We prioritise east London-based schools, primarily students from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, where we are based.
  • A limit of two students will be able to take part in the week-long programme scheduled to run on the fourth week of each month (excluding August and December).

How to apply?

Please note that submitting an application does not automatically guarantee you a place. Students are allocated on a first come, first served basis after considering the content of applications. Priority will be given to students who attend schools based in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

If you are a student or school

If you wish to participate in our programme, please email your CV and a completed Blizard Institute Work Experience Form 2024 [PDF 134KB] (including your expression of interest in the personal statement section) to, copying in your work experience representative at your school to ensure they are aware of your enquiry. Your application will only be considered if your school representative is included in your email.

If you are an agency, parent or tutor

Please note that we correspond directly with the students or school representatives only.

The Blizard Institute is part of the Whitechapel campus of Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry.


Contact address

Blizard Institute
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
4 Newark St
E1 2AT

  • "I have gone beyond what I expected to learn. I got to do lots of practical work and learnt so much about the different Centres. I have  developed lost of practical skills such as preparing samples, using pipettes for accurate measuring and lab safety skillls. All staff were extremely nice and made sure I was looked after and enjoying the activities. I have been exposed to careers I didn't even know existed before and to further education options I hadn't considered before. I definetely would recomend this programme because I learnt so much and got to see and do things I would have never imagined. I found this week very useful as it has allowed me to clearly understand what occupation I would like to undertake in the future. I have learnt the importance of team work and communication skills. I have also gained an insight into this field of work and my confidence in working in the field of science has immensely grown." - Woodmansterne School Student
  • "I actually witnessed real scientists making discoveries for their project. I am so happy and pleased that I got this opportunity. My patience has developed massively: thanks to this programme I have experienced that it is much more effective to take time to complete work so that the outcome is just as imagined. Staff are incredibly kind and hardworking. I much appreciate how they took time from their busy schedules to help us students, they definetely deserve more recognition. BIWEP is a great way for young people to find interest in science, and to help get an idea of what they want to do in future, even if unsure when they start." - Holy Family Catholic School Student
  • "I got a vivid insight into the different fields of research. This allowed me to expand my knowledge and solidify my choice of career. Interacting with staff members was great. They were very friendly and informative. I would recommend this programme to students my age as it helps us understand that there are multiple careers in the science field each with significant levels of importance and prestige." - The Petchey Academy Student
  • "I was not only able to obserb in the lab but participated in an impactful way. I am now aware of the multitude of roles neccesary to make all function and find the area of clinical research more appealing. I found it very pleasant as staff was more than happy to help explain any concepts or topics that I found remotely vague or confusing." - Woodhouse College Student 
  • "I was so lucky to have the amazing experience of shadowing innovative individuals working at such a prestigious institute. Most notably, the day that I shadowed a doctor at the Royal London hospital was the most exciting and interesting experience of my life and had completely spurred my interest in studying medicine at university. I cannot present my gratitude to you enough for allowing me to have such an amazing experience." - St Thomas More RC School Student
  • "This week was an unforgettable experience and I leant so much. It was fascinating to be able to listen to a neurogastroenterologist's journey from training as a doctor to researching the gut-brain axis. Our discussion threw interesting questions on the various treatment possibilities that would arise from this exciting new field." - St Paul’s Girls’ School Student
  • "I have a much more realistic insight into what a career in my chosen field is like. After the programme I am more interested in doing an intercalated year that is more research-based.Every member of staff was really welcoming, kind and keen to explain and encouring me to ask any questions. It has been an invaluable experience for me." - The Tiffin Girls’ School Student
  • "Thank you for the opportunity presented to me this past week. I would also like to thank you and your colleagues for your warm welcomes and the unforgettable experience you have all given me. I have learnt to be curious and to seize every opportunity that I can." - Bishop Challoner Catholic Federation of Schools Student 
  • "I thoroughly enjoyed my time at the Blizard. I am now confident my future is on the science field. The professionals I met gave me invaluable advice on what is needed for me to achieve this. Thanks for making sure that my week with you was coherent and smooth." - Woolwich Polytechnic School Student
  • "Staff were exceptional and very engaging. The activities proposed were fascinating. I enjoyed a risk assessment worshop and the Centre of the Cell as innovative and fun." - Woolwich Polytechnic School Student
  • "Thank you for the opportunity I had. I am so grateful as I understand the planning this took and staff being very busy. Thank you for the experience I have gained is priceless and I wish that you understand the extent of my gratitude." - Mossbourne Community Academy Student
  • "I really enjoyed speaking to an undergraduate about what doing a science degree at university is like before getting to the stage of working in a lab." - The Henrietta Barnet School Student
  • "Thank you for allowing me to work alongside the most amazing and helpful scientists ever. I have really benefitted from this experience as I would like to become a researcher in the near future." - Dukes Aldridge Academy Student
  • "Thank you for the work experience opportunity at the Blizard Institute. It has been really helpful and I learned a lot from the staff throughout the week" - Bishop Challoner 6th Form Student
  • "It was interesting to be able to see the advanced equipment in use as I would not have accees to it otherwise. I was able to see how theories learnt at school in science lessons are put into practice through research." - Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Student
  • "I am extremely grateful for your help in organising my placement and to all the staff: Jan, Belen, Dr" - St Thomas More RC Comprehensive School Student
  • "Thank you very much for everything, it was truly an amazing and insightful experience. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the whole programme and it has assured me that I definitely want to go into a lab-based career in the future." - Holly Alleyn’s School Student 
  • "Thank you so much for the experience, and I would love to say a massive thank you to all the people that I met on the week and was able to share a part of their day with." - Holly Alleyn’s School Student    
  • "Thank you very much for helping me with everything regarding the week, It was an amazing experience that I will never forget!" - St Benedicts School (Ealing) Student
  • "Playing games in the Centre of the Cell pod was very informative and interactive." - Bishop Challoner Sixth Form (Year 10) Student
  • "I extremely loved being able to widen my knowledge of stem cells through animals (mice)" - Havering Sixth Form College Student
  • "Thank you for making our time more interesting and fun! We really appreciate it. Wish you all the best with your research!" - St Paul's Way Trust School Student
  • "Enjoyed absolutely everything! Thanks for providing such helpful academic and research career advice." - London Design & Engineering UTC Student

Centre of the Cell Work Experience

Centre of the Cell is an informal science education centre located within the Blizard Institute which offers work experience for young people aged between 14 and 19. Our work experience is focused around the skills required for science communication but can also be extremely useful for anyone interested in a healthcare/STEM related career.

These week-long placements will offer plenty of activities to develop transferable skills. For example, you will be given the chance to interview a medical/dental student and/or a scientist, gaining an insight into their career while developing your communication skills. Another of our popular activities is the chance to design an online science game, developing research and presentation skills. You'll also be supporting with the delivery of our school events and learning how a science centre runs behind the scenes.

Placements take place during term time and during the school day (10am-3pm) so permission will be required from the school.

To find out more about our work experience, email

Please note that our work experience does not include any lab work.

Visit the Centre of the Cell website

Queen Mary is the most inclusive university of its kind. Through Access to Queen Mary, we nurture students typically under-represented at Russell Group universities, through an 18-month programme of activities, events and interventions.

The Access to Queen Mary programme aims to help students become more prepared for, and successful in, higher education. Students who successfully complete the programme will not only have benefited from tailored academic and pastoral support but will benefit from a contextual offer to Queen Mary.

Apply now

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