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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry


Key administrative contacts in the Centres

Centre for Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research 

Nataly Murphy, Centre Manager

Email:, phone: +44 20 7882 3789

Ashley Pitt, Centre Administrator


Centre for Genomics and Child Health

Sabrina Skeete, Centre Manager

Email:, phone: +44 207 882 2619

Shirley Dankyi-Larbi, Centre Administrator

Email:, phone: +44 20 7882 2615

Julia Moreta-Diaz, Centre Administrator

Email:, phone: +44 20 7882 2618

Centre for Immunobiology 

Nici Kingston, Centre Manager

Email:, phone: +44 20 7882 7191

Ashley Pitt, Centre Administrator


Centre for Neuroscience, Surgery and Trauma

Lauren Exell, Centre Manager


Dymphna Murphy, Centre Administrator

Email:, phone: +44 20 7882 7909

Other key contacts

Security Whitechapel: +44 20 7882 2599

Blizard Reception: +44 20 7882 2483

Post room: +44 20 7882 7234

IT Services: +44 20 7882 8888

Estates helpdesk:  +44 20 7882 2580

Meeting rooms:

Small Cloud: +44 20 7882 8947

Large Cloud: +44 20 7882 8946

Spikey: +44 20 7882 2278

Room bookings:

AV:  or +44 20 7882 7364

Mailing lists and networks

Key mailing lists in the Blizard Institute

Blizard All

For all Blizard staff and PhD students. Regular notices, updates, event invites and the weekly Blizard Round-up newsletter. To request something to be sent out to the mailing list, please contact David Bell (
To join: You will automatically be added to the mailing list within the first month of you joining the Institute. If you have not been added, or you would like to be added sooner, please contact David Bell (

Blizard Lab Staff

For all Blizard staff and PhD students who have access to the Blizard labs. Regular notices, updates and requests relating to work within the Blizard labs. To request something to be sent out to the mailing list, please contact the Lab Management team (
To join: You will automatically be added to the mailing list within the first month of you joining the Institute. If you have not been added, or you would like to be added sooner, please contact David Bell (

Blizard CL3 Lab Users

For users of the CL3 Labs in the Blizard Institute. Important notices and updates relating to work within the Blizard CL3 Labs.
To join: Please contact Izabela Glegola-Madejska (

Blizard Postdocs

For all Blizard Postdoc staff. Regular notices, updates, events and opportunities relevant to postdoc life.
To join: Please contact Molly Ramalhoso (

Blizard Postdoc Society

For Blizard Postdocs who wish to be part of the Blizard Postdoc Society. The Society hosts socials, networking opportunities and represents Postdocs on a range of issues related to Postdoc life at the Blizard Institute.
To join: Please contact Molly Ramalhoso (

Blizard PGR Students

For all Blizard PGR students. Regular notices, updates, events and opportunities relevant to postdoc life.
To join: Please contact Molly Ramalhoso (

Blizard SBBS PGR students

For all SBBS PGR students based in the Blizard Institute. Important notices and updates relevant to SBBS PGR students within the Blizard.
To join: Please contact David Bell (


Key networks and interest groups in the Blizard Institute

Bioinformatics Hub

Centre for Squamous Cancer

Centre for Predictive in vitro Models

Barts Metabolism Network

Useful information for staff


All staff require ID cards to access University buildings. After your Office or Lab induction has been completed, the Lab Manager will pass your induction forms to the Security Office in the Garrod Building. You may then be required to visit the Security Office at Whitechapel (inside the Turner Street entrance to the Garrod Building) where your photograph will be taken. Your ID card will be delivered to the Centre in 2/3 days or you can collect it from the Garrod Security Office.


On arrival all new staff will receive either an Office or Lab induction from the Institute Laboratory Managers/Centre Administration. This will be arranged by your Centre Manager/Centre Administrator.



See here for information on IT services.

For any IT problems, you can raise an IT Helpdesk ticket by emailing

Computer Purchasing Policy

As these policies are updated regularly, please speak to your Centre Manager for further information.

Information and IT Security

Documents on general good practice relating to information and IT security can be found here.

Staff card registration 

Working from home 

Printing and Photocopiers

There are two large Konica printer/photocopiers on the ground and first floors. These are managed printers and can be accessed by tapping your ID card. To get connected to one of these printers, send an email to the IT helpdesk by emailing Paper for the printer is available in a cabinet next to the Printers. If the machine requires paper please speak to Tahera Begum (

If a photocopier jams or malfunctions please speak to Tahera Begum ( Similarly, if the machine requires toner please let Tahera Begum ( know.


The Konica photocopiers have a scanning function where by you can set yourself up and scanned documents will be emailed directly to your email address. If you need any assistance to set up your email address, please speak to your Centre Admin Assistant.


The Whitechapel library is situated within the Church of St Augustine with St Philip on Turner Street. See here for more information.

Your access card also acts as your library card when activated.

The University subscribes to a large number of paper and electronic journals so inter-library loans are not usually necessary. If you do need an inter-library loan it may be placed via the website. Charges from August 2017 are given below.














To minimise disruption to other members of staff, mobile phone calls should be made and taken away from offices and corridors.

Please let the Blizard Receptionist (020 7882 2483) know if you are expecting visitors. The Receptionist will call you once the visitor arrives.



Incoming post is collected by the Admin Team from the post room in the Blizard Building. It is then distributed via the pigeonholes in the admin bay.

Outgoing post should be left in the tray on top of the pigeonholes, i.e. First Class or Second Class.

External post should be stamped on the back with the Centre address and charge number. This stamp can be found in the admin bay and should be kept there for everyone to use.

Items of bulk postage must be bound with elastic bands prior to posting.


If you do a mail-out, post a parcel or send out several letters in one day or over a week, email the Admin Team with:

  • The number of letters/parcels
  • The budgetary details
  • The size of the envelope
  • Weight of parcel


The Centre has an International FEDEX account which is used for all parcels sent overseas and either DHL or City Sprint for national parcels. Please see the Admin Team for further details.



Bins for offices are no longer provided; instead Staff are responsible for emptying their general waste and recycling into the bins located around the Ground Floor and in the kitchen area.

There are also purple recycling bins on all floors of the building. Labels on the bins tell you what you may or may not recycle. Please condense recycled items as much as possible as bin space is limited.


A large shredder is situated near each Konica ground floor printer.

Destroying Data

If you need to dispose of any electronic data or equipment, contact IT Services (its- to arrange secure disposal, particularly if the devices contain identifiable data.


Room Bookings

To book meeting rooms in the Blizard Building please see the Receptionist at the Blizard Reception or speak to your Centre Administrator.

To book any of the rooms in the Garrod Building please email or use the online booking system again please speak to the Admin Team.

Please note that PhD students need to book rooms via your Centre.

Room plans can be downloaded here.

Room timetables can be downloaded here.

AV Equipment

Most  bookable  teaching  rooms  are  fitted  with  standard  AV  Equipment:  data  projector, whiteboard, and DVD/Video playback. A precise AV room inventory can be downloaded here.

For AV requests based in Whitechapel either email  or call ext. 7364.

Requests for additional AV equipment for all other QMUL sites, you can either send an email to or you can log a call with IT services on

For all requests, include details of what equipment is required, along with dates, start and finish times and the name of the building and room. The technicians require a minimum of 3 working days’ notice to service any requests and a weeks' notice if the event is outside working hours.

To book a short training session on Using Teaching Room AV Equipment including connecting your laptop, email or call ext. 8164.


Depending on where in the Blizard Building, you will be seated, there are two kitchens on the ground floor and two on the First floor with a fridge and kettle. 

All staff are responsible for cleaning up after themselves and leaving the kitchens clean and tidy.


General items of stationery are available from the admin bay so please speak to a member of the Centre Administration Team. Specific items of stationery have to be purchased through individual grants. Please check with your Line Manager and get their approval first.


Staff Directory

The university staff directory is available here. If you need to update or amend your details please notify the Admin Team.


If you have Skype capabilities on your PC or laptop, please speak to our IT team or the AV department for assistance on


The Wifi network at QMUL is Eduroam, a world-wide roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.

See here for instructions on how to get connected.


See here for further information on leaving the University, including an exit questionnaire which you should complete.

Letters of resignation should be addressed to your line manager and copied to the Centre Manager.

Before you leave:

  • Notify IT Services and agree a timeline for terminating your email account.
  • Sort paper, computer and email files and either hand them over to your successor or a colleague, archive or destroy them as appropriate.
  • In an email, confirm to your Line Manager exactly what you plan to do or have done.
  • If you wish to take files with you, get clearance from the people who own the data they contain, if relevant
  • Return your office key and staff ID to the Centre Administration Team.

New Ways of Working Space Connect

To book a desk or office, please use Space Connect:

How to access the HPC Server

High-Performance Computing (HPC) provides researchers with the ability to expand their data processing, simulation and computation across hundreds of cores. This has led to widespread use across many disciplines.

ITS Research support and provide access to Apocrita is a heterogeneous HPC cluster comprising around 350 nodes and 12,500 compute cores, located in the Jisc Shared data centre in Slough. The cluster has many applications installed ready for you to use; core applications (including Stata, Gaussian and MATLAB); programming languages (e.g. C, C++, Fortran, R, Python); and domain-specific research applications (e.g. for bioinformatics and computational chemistry).

For guidance on how to access the HPC Server, visit the ITS Research web page.

Policy on Children

Relationships between staff and students

This policy defines the type of relationships (personal and professional) that may exist between staff and students. It also sets guidelines of behaviour that is appropriate for such interactions and how students can raise complaints, under the policy.

Procedures for declaring personal relationships are also included in the policy as well as additional sources of information and support available in Queen Mary.

Lab and Core Facility Survey Results

Lab and Core Facility Survey Results 2023:

Blizard Institute Staff Survey Action Plan 2024

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