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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

2023/24 Academic Promotions Round now open - information, guidance and workshops

The Academic Promotions Round for 2023/24 is open for applications from 1 December 2023 until 31 January 2024.


The process provides academic staff with an opportunity to progress in their careers within Queen Mary.  The applicant should provide evidence of their contribution to the university, in line with our 2030 Strategy and Values, at the level for which they are applying. See full details, application forms and a timetable on the HR website. The application form must be emailed to Rachael Parker ( by 31 January 2024.

The Academic Promotions Round will consider applications for:

  • promotion to Senior Lecturer
  • conferment of title of Reader
  • conferment of title of Professor.

To be eligible to make an application you need to meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be an academic member of staff (currently a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer or Reader)
  • Have one year's continuous employment on 31 December 2023
  • Have successfully completed the previous academic year’s annual appraisal/probationary review

Advice, guidance and peer-to-peer workshops

Members of the Blizard Staff Survey Working group have kindly volunteered to be contacted for advice and guidance by anyone thinking of applying. If you would value such advice, you can contact any of the following colleagues:

Dr Tania Maffucci -

Professor Elaine Cole -

Professor John Connelly -

Dr Neil McCarthy -

Colleagues will also be running peer-to-peer workshops for T&R and T&S Academics. These workshops have helped many academics to successfully prepare and apply for promotion. Separate workshops are run for academics with Teaching and Research contracts and those with Teaching and Scholarship contracts so please do sign up for the correct one below.

Teaching & Scholarship contracts Workshop:

Date: Monday 11 December
Time: 11am to 12pm
Presenter: Professor Mark Freestone

Register now

Teaching & Research contracts Workshop: 

Date: Tuesday 12 December
Time: 10.30am to 12pm
Presenters: Professor Cleo Bishop, Professor Márta Korbonits and Dr Louisa James

Register now


Mary Collins



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