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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

A message from Prof Sir Mark Caulfield, Vice-Principal (Health)

Join the community of Senior Tutors within IHSE and help to support students in need of academic assistance 


In my last message I outlined our plan for shaping and improving the student experience in our faculty. As one of the first steps we are now commencing recruitment for several posts within the Institute of Health Sciences Education to facilitate an enhanced programme of academic support for MBBS/GEP students. I want to warmly encourage all staff with an interest in undergraduate education to apply. 

These positions are naturally rewarding through 1-2-1 work with students as well as being an excellent enhancement to any CV. It is also demonstration of good citizenship and inclusivity – a vital component of the university’s academic promotion criteria.

Applications as well as informal expressions of interest can be sent to Elliott Reed. Further details can be found below and in the attached document. 

Opportunity offered by Student Academic And Pastoral Support Office

Deadline: Monday 12 September
Key Contact: Elliott Reed (

To apply: After discussing the opportunity with your line manager please sent a brief personal statement expressing why you are interested in the role along with your CV to Elliott Reed.

We hope you will consider an exciting opportunity to join the community of Senior Tutors within IHSE. We are currently seeking expressions of interest from candidates for the roles below, which are aimed at facilitating an enhanced programme of academic support for MBBS/GEP students.

  • Senior Tutor Year 1 - One position
  • Senior Tutor Year 2 - One position
  • Senior Tutor Year 4 - One position
  • Senior Tutor Year 5 - Two positions 

The function of the Senior Tutor (formerly known as Academic Year Tutor) is to provide support and supervision to an identified group of students within a particular year who require academic assistance. See attached JD for further details. They will act on behalf of the Head of Year and the Head of Student Academic and Pastoral Support (SAPS) and report to the Academic Review Group (ARG) for that year. Senior Tutors will work as part of a community of other Senior Tutors and be expected to attend 6 Senior Tutor Network Meetings per year, chaired by the Head of Student Academic & Pastoral Support or delegated nominee. Senior Tutors will also be provided with training on effective signposting to other IHSE and Queen Mary services.
Please note that approval from Institute or Clinical Directors for all candidates is required so please do discuss with them first if you would like to apply. It has been agreed that a SWARM tariff of 2-3.5 hours per week is applicable to this role. In addition to the rewarding nature of working 1-1 with students in their academic progress, the role of Senior also offers an excellent enhancement to any CV and is looked upon favourably as a demonstration of good citizenship and inclusivity – a vital component of the university’s academic promotion criteria.

How to apply

The attached document (Senior Tutor JD - August 2022 [DOC 13KB]) gives more details, and we will be very happy to discuss informally this role with FMD staff who are considering applying. 

Application process: 

  • Discuss the role with your line manager to get their view and permission to proceed.
  • Please send applications, by email only, to Elliott Reed ( attaching a copy of your CV and a brief personal statement expressing why you are interested and what you would bring to the role.
  • The deadline for applications/expressions of interest is the 12 September 2022, with interviews to be held in the two weeks following.
  • For an informal discussion about the role please contact Elliott Reed – Head of Student Academic & Pastoral Support. 

Senior Tutor JD - August 2022 [DOC 13KB]




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