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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

A message from Prof Sir Mark Caulfield, Vice-Principal (Health)

NSS22 Results Staff Forum Follow-up


On Tuesday 2nd August we held a Faculty Forum where we reviewed our NSS results, taking the opportunity to explore the data and also to hear about some of the fantastic practice that is taking place across the Faculty in pursuit of outstanding student experience and education.

It was heartening to see that at the peak of the summer holidays over 100 of you attended the most important Faculty Forum of the calendar year, and I am particularly grateful to Rob, our outgoing BLSA President, who shared his insights and who clearly demonstrated the appetite for the inclusion of the student voice in all that we do. Thanks, too, to Sadani Cooray and Joanna Riddoch-Contreras, our Deputy Deans for Undergraduate Studies, for sharing their best practice.

Watch the recording

I promised at the outset of the Forum to write to you with an update of next steps, but in particular with further information on how you can get involved with shaping the future of the student experience. Many of the areas where we will be inviting your input are not exclusively about NSS or the undergraduate experience. Our task is to create an environment that enriches all students while centering their voices and allowing them to be an active participant in shaping their education. This work must be a partnership between our staff and students, one built around a culture of co-creation.

It is crucial that everyone in the Faculty is a contributor to the community and learning experience for our students. Whether you assist with MBBS, BDS or Physician Associate interviews, or if you teach and support particular programmes, everyone has a part to play in ensuring that our community, for both staff and students, is stimulating and nurturing. All voices must be heard, listened to, and respected: this is the standard we are setting today and going forward.

So, thank you to all of you. Many of you, I know, have worked tirelessly over the last three years to deliver the best education for our students: your experience and your enthusiasm will be central to this programme of work as we explore the art of the possible.

Further details on what we commit to doing over the next 6 months are set out below, and we will be writing out again to follow up on specific dates. In the meantime, we would love to hear from you, your reflections, and your experience. Please do also contact myself, Anthony, Chie, George, Joanna and Sadani individually if you would like to share any specific insights.

Finally, there is much to celebrate about the quality of our education and student experience across the Faculty: please can I encourage you all to nominate colleagues for Excellence in Teaching Awards as part of our Staff Awards Ceremony. 

Prof Sir Mark Caulfield
Vice-Principal (Health)



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