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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

A message from Prof Sir Mark Caulfield, Vice-Principal (Health)

Her Majesty the Queen has been on the throne for more than my entire lifetime and is the longest lived monarch to serve our nation. It is difficult not to be impressed by the life of enthusiastic service and dedication Queen Elizabeth gave to us.

Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabeth II

Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabeth II

Our lives share some features in common as they are entirely about service, be it in the NHS, in research or education for the health and well being of humanity. I am very grateful to her as she gave the London, where I trained, its Royal Charter and with her radiant smile opened the new hospital. In return our clinicians have given service to the Medical Royal Household stretching back to William Harvey including recently in obstetrics and medicine.

As we welcome our students back to the new academic year it could be a good time to reflect on her example of steadfast care, compassion and dedication and how we can live those values in all we do to look after our students, staff and patients

I thank you for all you are and will do in service and support of others.




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