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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

A reminder that Appraisal season closes at the end of November

A reminder about the annual appraisal season, its aims, timelines and support


This is a reminder that the annual appraisal season is open and runs until the end of November. Please ensure you complete the process as soon as possible. To help you take full advantage of the exercise we are including a number of support tools below.

It is important that we find the time to have good quality conversations to celebrate our achievements, acknowledge the challenges we have faced, and consider ways we can support each other to do our best work. These Appraisal conversations are an opportunity for you to reflect, think about your development and what you aim to achieve in your role over the coming year. It’s also a chance to work with your manager to identify what support you might need to reach your goals.

Please make sure you complete your Appraisal by this time. Completing an Appraisal is mandatory unless you are on probation. Clinical academics will have a joint appraisal through the NHS system with a Queen Mary manager.


Appraisal provides you with an opportunity to reflect on the past year and:

  •     celebrate personal and team achievements
  •     plan for the coming year, sense-check what is realistic, and prioritise
  •     consider how work is carried out and identify opportunities for improvement
  •     identify any pieces of work that are becoming less of a priority and could be stopped   or reduced in scope   

Appraisal support

The following resources are available to support you and your team:

Shared objectives

This year we have developed shared objectives for all managers to encourage:

  • Supporting career aspirations and development for colleagues, including identifying opportunities and protecting time, to allow all team members to develop their skills
  • Addressing poor performance through setting clear expectations, monitoring, and supporting team members

If you are a manager, or have responsibility for line managing other managers, please ensure that the following is included as part of the appraisal objectives for the coming year. You should tailor the wording to meet your needs and ensure that there is a specific, realistic outcome.

  • Provide support for your managers to address poor performance and consider career and development needs for colleagues.
  • Understand the different levels of performance in your team and take action to improve performance including:

    - Holding people accountable for delivery of objectives
    - Supporting career and development

Some suggestions to evidence achievement of the above include:

  • Reporting on one-to-ones and appraisals undertaken
  • Reporting on activities undertaken to support the development of each team member e.g.: learning completed, guided reflection on work, job shadowing, being or having a mentor, project placement, having an internal coach


Queen Mary citizenship is about contributing to the Queen Mary and the wider Higher Education community, while exemplifying Our Values in action. We should all have an objective related to Citizenship; you will find some example areas this objective might fall into here.  

Career support

Your appraisal conversation is also an opportunity to consider your career journey. The Organisational and Professional Development (OPD) Professional Services Career Development pages provide guides, workshops, a career progression tool (to explore what is expected at different grades), and case studies. You might also want to consider coaching or mentoring, or explore resources on Linkedin Learning.

Professor Mary Collins



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