You will probably have heard that Queen Mary is required to adhere to accessibility regulations concerning our content (public sector bodies accessibility requirements-PSBAR).
PSBAR is intended to make digital content accessible to people with a disability or impairment. You will have seen the symbols on QMplus which show an accessibility score (produced by Blackboard Ally)
We (Mic, Nawaz, Kristin and I) had an initial discussion concerning improvements which would be feasible in the first year. Of course, the first requirement is to take the appropriate Blackboard Ally training and we would therefore ask you to take this training, which can be booked via ESD. The idea is that when we have had the training that we will be able to inform colleagues on our courses.
These are the dates:
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Jurgen Groet, PhD, FHEAReader in cell and molecular biologyDeputy Director of Education (Blizard Institute)| Director iBSc in Experimental Pathology|Head of Intercalated Degrees