The Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI) is hosting a virtual Sandpit event on AI for Synthetic Data and its Applications
Date: 30 November 2022, 1-3pm
Location: Virtual - more information and to register:
We invite researchers from across Queen Mary to attend to discuss new ideas for projects in this space. The session will include a few keynote talks, followed by several 5 minute pitches from academics from across Queen Mary. There will be an opportunity to breakout into smaller groups to discuss pitches further, before the event closes at 3pm.
This is an internal event to Queen Mary and is open to anyone with an interest in the topic. It will be hosted virtually, and you can find out further details of the event, including speakers and how to register here:
Please do forward onto anyone you think may be interested.
Emma Grant | Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI) ManagerDigital Environment Research Institute | Queen Mary University London