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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

BBSRC Innovation to Commercialisation of University Research (ICURe)

The BBSRC ICURe programme is a funding programme which is designed to help you understand whether there is a market for an invention or service, derived from your BBSCR or UKRI funded research, and therefore how you will best access that market. 


Understanding your market and customer is a key factor in the successful commercialisation of your invention – if your invention isn’t addressing the right problem in the right way (a gap in the market), or your business plan doesn’t meet those needs, it can limit or prevent success.

The training on this programme will teach you how to find the answers to these questions, give you access to a network of entrepreneurs, investors and funders and potentially access for further financial support.

If you are interested in applying (deadline: 9 January), please get in touch so we can establish how we can best support you.

Link to scheme:

Mark Gurden PhD   
Commercialisation Manager, Biopharma
Queen Mary Innovation Ltd



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