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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

BGI Genomics seminar: DNBSEQ™ Sequencing Technology and Dr. Tom Bioinformatics Platform

BGI Genomics will be visiting the Blizard Institute to give a talk and demonstration of their sequencing technology and data visualisation platform. 


Date: Wednesday 15 March, 11am

Venue: Small Cloud and MS Teams | Join the meeting

Please come along if you are interested. See below and flyer attached for more information. Please also find the Teams link below if joining online.

DNBSEQ™ sequencing technology combines the power of DNA Nanoballs (DNB™), PCR-free Rolling Circle Replication, Patterned Nano Arrays a cPAS to deliver a new level of data clarity and affordability.

The Dr. Tom system is a web-based platform that requires no coding skills and is designed for convenient analysis, mining, visualisation and interpretation.

Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 349 328 744 381
Passcode: xS5aNm

BGI Genomics-3.2
BGI Genomics-3.2




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