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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard Bioinformatics Bulletin

Blizard Bioinformatics Forum


Last year the Genome Centre, set up the Blizard Bioinformatics Forum to help bring together the bioinformatics community at the Blizard.  We are about to launch next terms meetings.

So far the forum has provided support to researchers performing bioinformatics analysis and prompted lively discussion! After trialling different formats we have now settled on a monthly round table or open forum format. At each session a particular topic will be discussed: researchers are encouraged to come along and ask questions or get help on that particular topic from other researchers who have experience in that area.  Previous sessions include how best to perform cluster analysis of single cell RNAseq data, and pathway analysis of gene lists. 

If you're interested in getting involved, please contact James Boot ( and we will ensure you receive an invite and are included on all future communications. Our schedule for the up-coming sessions is as follows:

Bioinformatics table
Bioinformatics table




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