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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard Bioinformatics Forum and DERI Coding Club

The QMUL Genome Centre has set up the Blizard Bioinformatics Forum to help bring together the bioinformatics community at the Blizard. 


We are about to launch our next set of meetings. Additionally this year we are collaborating with DERI. Researchers from DERI will be invited to the sessions and in turn Blizard researchers are encouraged to join the Bioinformatics Coding Club starting soon. These sessions will provide hands-on coding assistance, to complement the forum sessions, details below.
Blizard Bioinformatics Forum
After trialling different formats we have now settled on a mixture of monthly round table discussion sessions or invited speakers. In the round table sessions, a particular topic will be discussed – come along and ask questions and get help on that particular topic from researchers who may have experience in that area. For our invited speaker sessions we hope to have a mixture of experts in particular areas as well as research in progress presentations.
If you're interested in attending, organising, presenting, or have suggestions, please contact James Boot ( Our schedule for the up-coming sessions is below. Topics of each session will be confirmed in the new year. Please note our first session of the new year will be an informal drop in session, come along with questions, ideas or topics you’d like to see covered in the sessions or DERI Bioinformatics Coding Club (details below). 

Day     Date     Time     Location
Wednesday     3 Jan 1-2pm Clark-Kennedy LT
Wednesday     14 Feb 1-2pm Clark-Kennedy LT
Wednesday     6 Mar 1-2pm Clark-Kennedy LT
Wednesday     3 April 1-2pm Clark-Kennedy LT
Wednesday     1 May 1-2pm Clark-Kennedy LT
Wednesday     5 June 1-2pm Clark-Kennedy LT

DERI Bioinformatics Coding Club
Are you looking to enhance your bioinformatics coding skills? We are thrilled to introduce the Bioinformatics Coding Club, a joint initiative between DERI and Blizard, designed to provide you with support in the world of bioinformatics.
The Bioinformatics Coding Club is a platform where you can engage with like-minded individuals who either use bioinformatics in their everyday research or are keen to incorporate it into their work. Our aim is to create a collaborative environment that complements the existing bioinformatics sessions at Blizard, but with hands-on coding assistance, offering you even more opportunities to excel in your research.
Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming sessions, or get in touch with Antara ( We look forward to coding and learning together in the Bioinformatics Coding Club.
James Boot, PhD
Bioinformatician, Genome Centre
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry



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