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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard Building NWOW update

Thank you for attending the various meetings and workshops on the NWOW project. 


We are planning a further Centre Leads and User Representatives workshop to be held before the summer holiday period. In the meantime here is a short progress update.

Timeframe – Once the Centre villages are confirmed we can order the furniture (with lockers on a 10-week lead-in) and complete the detailed planning/programme. As things stand we anticipate that works will start over the summer, working towards a late October end date.  We will keep you informed of key dates, once the details been finalised.

  • Centre Villages – The locations of the desk areas for each centre will shortly be agreed with the Centre Leads and shared at the next Centre Leads and User Representatives workshops
  • IT – ITS are assisting in migrating most of us to laptops to support the NWOW along with roll out other ITS upgrades
  • Booking system – Based on your feedback, we are reviewing the current university booking system with a view to offering greater functionality and local admin controls
  • Storage – The overhead cabinets will left in place for general team storage and new secure lockers will be introduced for personal storage. The latest plans will show the location of lockers and general storage; personal lockers will be allocated by Centre management in due course
  • Space Utilisation Monitoring – you may already have seen our IT representative and solution supplier carrying out a survey of the space to work out the best options for coverage now that the overhead cabinets are to be retained

If you have any questions then please forward them to your user representative and we can address the at the next workshop.

Wendy O’Connor
Space Manager



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