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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard Club Seminar tomorrow, Weds 28 February 2pm

Please note that the seminars have returned to the Perrin Lecture Theatre until end of July.



  • PI: Dr Cara Croft (Neuroscience, Surgery & Trauma), ‘Targeting tau-induced neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease’
  • PI: Prof. Aine McKnight (Genomics and Child Health), ‘HIV - Invade, evade, and conquer’
  • Host: Prof. Denise Sheer (Genomics and Child Health)

2 speakers - 30 mins each (20 mins talk plus 10 mins for Q&A). Centre Research Leads will host the sessions (chosen from the same centre as the PI speaking that week)
Please make time to attend to support the speakers and hear about the research taking place across the Institute.

Molly Ramalhoso
PGR and Research Administrator



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