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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard Director of Education

Professor Kristin Braun will be leaving the Blizard Institute on 20 January 2024 to take up a leadership role in a new graduate entry medical school at the University of Surrey as Director of Student Support and Professional Development.


Kristin has been a key member of the Blizard providing both leadership and mentoring to the Blizard education delivery. Both students and staff will miss her caring and enthusiastic approach.

After her PhD and postdoctoral fellowship, Kristin joined the Centre for Cell Biology (which then became the Centre for Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research) in 2006 as a lecturer to develop her research interests into epithelial stem cell biology. When the centre relocated to the Blizard Institute, Kristin also developed a keen interest in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching both in delivery and curriculum design. She has been awarded the Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. Kristin is involved in many aspects of MBBS and biomedical education within the Blizard Institute including Director of Education, Head of Graduate Entry Medicine, Course Director for the MSc Regenerative Medicine and a key member of the Centre of the Cell Summer School. We will all miss Kristin but wish her success and happiness in her new venture (with a much easier commute!).

Commenting on her upcoming move, Professor Braun said: "It has been a pleasure to serve as Blizard Director of Education since 2018 and I’d like to thank colleagues for all of your contributions toward delivery of an excellent student experience. I feel proud of our collective accomplishments (not least, maintaining quality during a pandemic) and wish the Institute and colleagues continued success.”

We will advertise the role of Blizard Director of Education as soon as possible to ensure we have somebody in post when Kristin leaves.

Professor Mary Collins



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