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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard Education Training Programme

Following a pause during the pandemic, we are delighted to announce that the Blizard Education Training Programme will be re-launched in September.


This is a two-hour course for staff based in the Blizard Institute who hold significant roles in educational delivery. Similar to the PGR supervision programme, colleagues are expected to attend refresher training on a periodic basis.

The training session provides a concise overview of key education topics including internal and external influences, QM/Blizard governance, assessment & feedback, and student support. The training will be supported by a dedicated education website listing key contacts and links to relevant resources. 

Register and submit your query now

Who is this for?

Attendance at the training programme is expected for colleagues who have joined Queen Mary since September 2019 and hold the following roles: programme director, module lead, teaching fellow, or education administrator. Other colleagues with an interest in education are strongly encouraged to join.

Training date:

2.00-4.00pm Thursday 15 September (Please note that due to rail strikes, the session will now be held on MS Teams for everyone)

We will be in touch to organise a separate in-person mixer.


Please book your place and submit any queries you would like discussed at the training day using the online form.

If you have any questions, please contact Kristin Braun (, Jurgen Groet (, or Joanna Riddoch-Contreras (

Blizard Education Committee



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