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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard Infrastructure update

Please see updates on current and upcoming infrastructure works in the Blizard.


Blinds - now that the scaffolding is up, Estates are waiting on a quote and a Purchase Order to be approved before the works can go ahead.

Tissue Culture project - leaking on West side of building has been stopped now that the glass panels have been resealed. Pipework on the East side of the building is still in the process of being looked at with a view to any leaks being stopped. Tenders are in the process of being written for the new equipment. Estimated start date February-March 2024.

New equipment - Elispot has arrived, and this will be based in LG114. Some new equipment for CL3 rooms has arrived and we’re waiting for the shutdown in September to introduce it to the rooms e.g. incubators, CO2/O2 monitoring system, -80C freezer, vacuum aspirators. T-Scan will start being installed from March 2024 and this is to take over from Check-It. Gradient station has arrived and will be installed in the equipment cold room week commencing 31st July. A new ice machine has arrived for the 1st floor Abernethy Building and will be installed on Tues 1st Aug. A new centrifuge for TC 10/11 (LG170) has been installed and is now able to be used. And a new thermal cycler is now operational in the communal open lab area and can be booked via Clustermarket.

Mews - planning permission has been received. Please see the attached images showing the current architectural images of the Mews.  The majority of the works in replacing the glass panels above the West lab corridor has been completed. There are 5 glass panels that still need to be replaced as they were cracked, and replacements have been ordered. The works to replace these 5 panels are likely to take place the week commencing 14th August. There are likely to be some minor disruptions in the West side lab corridor when these works take place. There are also 2 smoke vents that are still leaking into the labs from the Blizard Mews. In order to fix the leaks, the area around the smoke vents in question will have to be broken out/dug up. This will result in a couple of days of noise and vibration. One smoke vent is near the South end of the building, and the other is nearer the main door. These works are also likely to take place approx. middle of Aug – dates to be confirmed.

Many thanks to all staff for your support during the works, if you have any concerns or questions please contact Dr Natalie McCloskey or Claire Cox



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