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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard Institute External Advisory Board - Friday 24 November 2023

Dear colleagues, the Blizard Institute is holding a very important External Advisory Board on Friday 24 November 2023.


This major event will take place all day and comprise different sessions including thematic talks on central research topics, presentations from early career researchers, and posters from post-docs and students.
We are welcoming very distinguished and helpful colleagues to the External Advisory Board, listed in the below programme. Obviously, your presence and contribution are extremely important to make this crucial day for the Institute a success.

EAB Agenda 24 Nov [PDF 152KB]

Therefore, you are all invited to attend the sessions in the afternoon, further details in the above full schedule.
I look forward to seeing you at this event, we count on your presence!
Best wishes,
Mary Collins 
Director, Blizard Institute



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