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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Blizard NWOW Update

Dear colleagues, as part of the ongoing NWOW project works, we will communicate regularly with updates highlighting progress to date and any works planned in the next two weeks. 


Project progress

North & south side office moves
North side office moves have now been completed. Most of the south side office moves have been completed with the final moves scheduled for 18 & 19 November.

Remaining east side offices
Staff currently utilising offices OE15, OE16, OE18 and OE21 will be releasing these to Overbury at 6pm on Friday 17 November 2023.

Upcoming bookable office space
Decoration has started to offices ON9, ON10, ON11 and ON12 on the ground floor north side. 

Storerooms 1 & 2
Tambour units being kept by centres and core facility areas have been moved to the newly created storerooms on the ground floor east side. For access, please speak to your centre manager or core facility manager. 

Temporary reconfiguration of desks – 1st floor northwest of building
The reconfiguration of desks in the Immunobiology village have been completed (temporarily). Permanent desking will be installed once the first-floor soft seating has been completed – releasing desks for this area. 

Upcoming works – Very important
On Saturday 18 – 19 November 2023 Overbury will be removing all existing pedestals, tambours, filing cabinets, lockers and any adhoc furniture in the write up areas.

Please ensure that all furniture is emptied by COB on Friday 17 November 2023.  Please assist your colleagues who are away by emptying essential contents on their behalf.  If you are unsure about what furniture is being removed, please liaise with your centre manager. NB: All furniture will be cleared, irrespective of its contents. 

Tea points
Monday 13 November from 6pm, work will commence on the tea point located on the ground floor northeast of the building. Please remove all fridge contents by 5pm on Monday 13 November. This area will be out of service for 7 days reopening on Monday 20 November. 

New lockers - relates to stand alone lockers, not the overhead lockers above desks.are due to be installed on the evening of 21 – 23 November 2023.

I appreciate that this will leave you without a locker for 2 days. Please see your centre manager for archives boxes to house items temporarily. 

If you have any questions regarding the upcoming works, please contact me at

Sam Matthew
Interim Deputy Institute Manager



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