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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Call for PhD Project Proposals - UKRI/BBSRC AI for Drug Discovery Programme

Expressions of interest are invited to propose a PhD project for 1 award funded by FMD as part of the UKRI/BBSRC AI for Drug Discovery Programme.


Proposed projects should be in the remit of the programme, and BBSRC more widely, and if successful, should start at the beginning of the 2024-25 academic year.

Further details, including how to submit an expression of interest can be found on this MS Form (QM login required):

Expressions of interest should be submitted by 13 October 2023 at the latest. Successful project proposals will be notified by the end of October, with further details of the recruitment schedule.

Contact: Emma Grant 

Emma Grant | Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI) Manager | Alan Turing Liaison
Digital Environment Research Institute | Queen Mary University London



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