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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Call for Pitches - DERI Sandpit: AI generated Synthetic Data and Applications

The Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI) are planning another sandpit to take place in the afternoon on November 30 2022, on the theme of AI generated Synthetic Data and Applications. 


As part of this, we would like to run a number of pitch sessions, followed by a breakout session to discuss the pitches further. The event will take place online.

What is a pitch?

A Pitch is a short presentation of an idea or budding project. The aim of a pitch session is to raise interest in your plans and to help gain useful feedback and identify potential collaborators. For the AI generated Synthetic Data and Applications Sandpit, pitches should be within the remit of the theme, and should be a maximum of 5 minutes in duration.

If you would be interested in pitching at the sandpit, please email me with the name of your pitch (rough title and/or topic area is fine at this stage) by November 04 2022.

Emma Grant (
Digital Environment Research Institute (DERI) Manager



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