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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Call for Poster Abstracts - FMD Industry Connect: Cardiovascular and Metabolism Event

As part of the FMD Industry Connect Cardiovascular and Metabolism Event to be held on Wednesday 22 November 2023, there will be a Poster Competition with prizes.


This is a Call for Abstracts to be submitted to by close of play Tuesday 14 November – please include the following:

  • Name
  • Role
  • Institute
  • Centre
  • Poster Title 

Abstracts can be submitted by anyone from PhD level onwards, however, we'd like to encourage submissions from PhD students and Early Career Researchers.  Posters should fall within the Cardiovascular and Metabolism research areas.

Please register your attendance to the FMD Industry Connect Cardiovascular and Metabolism Event here:


Adam Wilkinson
Faculty Research Officer (on behalf of Manish & Tatjana; Co-Chairs, FMD Commercial Partnerships and Innovation Committee) 



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