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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Centre for Immunobiology external seminars series:

Professor Mahdad Noursadeghi (University College London)


Date: Monday 16 October, 12pm

Venue: Clark Kennedy Lecture Theatre

Speaker: Professor Mahdad Noursadeghi (University College London)

Title: Transcriptomics in Infectious Disease: Biomarkers and Biology

Host: Professor Adrian Martineau

Professor Noursadeghi studied Medicine at Guy's Hospital followed by postgraduate training in General Medicine at the National Hospital at Queen Square, Royal Brompton Hospital, Hammersmith Hospital and Newham General Hospotal. He then undertook an MRC ResearchTraining Fellowship and completed a PhD in Immunology at Imperial College London, focusing on the role of acute phase responses in host defence against infection, under the supervision of Professor Jon Cohen and Professor Mark Pepys. He completed specialist training in Infectious Diseases in posts at University College London Hospitals, Northwick Park Hospital and Hammersmith Hospital before returning to laboratory science with a Wellcome Trust Intermediate Fellowship at UCL leading to his current research post. In addition, he participates in clinical services at UCLH as an Honorary Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Acute Medicine. Find out more.

If you have any questions, please contact Pierre Maillard (



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