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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Centre for Immunobiology external seminars series: Engineering antibodies for immune stimulation, Prof Mark Cragg

The Centre for Immunobiology external seminar series is resuming for this new academic year!


Date: Monday 18 September, 1pm

Venue: Clark Kennedy Lecture Theatre

Speaker: Professor Mark Cragg, Professor in Experimental Cancer Biology, University of Southampton

Title: Engineering antibodies for immune stimulation

Host: Dr Louisa James

As a cancer immunologist, Mark Cragg's research uncovers how the immune system interacts with cancer cells and how it can be harnessed in the form of immunotherapy to treat malignancy; particularly by using drugs called monoclonal antibodies. Underpinning this biology are a family of receptors called Fc receptors which serve as a link between the antibodies and the immune cells. Adopting a multi-disciplinary approach, his research group interacts widely with other members of Cancer Sciences, the Faculty of Medicine, the University, and colleagues in academia and industry, both nationally and internationally.

Find out more about Prof Cragg's research.

If you have any questions, please contact Pierre Maillard (



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