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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Collection of Chemical Waste

During a walk around recently, we noticed quite a few full waste chemical bottles lurking in fume hoods and a couple outside of fume hoods as well.


Could everybody find the time to check fume hoods and other chemical store areas and find all full waste bottles of chemicals or any unused/old hazardous chemicals they want disposing of and please follow procedure and contact lab management so that we can dispose of them. Preferably, moving forwards, when you have a full bottle of waste, contact lab management to let us know and don’t collect up multiple. This frees up space in fume hoods so they can be used more effectively. We have designated chemical store cupboards that we can store waste in until an institute chemical waste removal occurs.

Attached to this message are the Chemical waste disposal form and the disposal procedure as well. Hazard stickers and Chemical Waste labels for bottles can be collected from near the base of the mushroom area in the open lab area.

Lab Management Team



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