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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Comms rooms electrical shutdown in the Blizard Building Tues 30 - Wed 31 Jan 2024 - will temporarily affect comms

There are some electrical remedial works that need to take place in comms rooms Q3, Q4, and Q6 to replace the distribution boards. 


These works will take place all day on Wed 31 Jan 2024. To avoid computers and phones going down for too long while the works are taking place, IT will transfer the power for these rooms over to a temporary supply on the evening of Tues 30 Jan to allow the works to take place on Wed 31 Jan, before transferring power back to the main power on the evening of Wed 31 Jan. 

This means there will be a loss of comms (internet and phones) for approx. 20 mins on the evenings of Tues 30 Jan AND Wed 31 Jan. We don’t know exact times yet for the switchovers, but will communicate again nearer the time when we do.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Claire Cox



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