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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

'Daring to Change: The Secret of Academic Medicine?'

Inaugural Lecture of Professor William Alazawi


Date: Thursday 27 Apr 2023
Time: 5.30-10.30pm

Location: Lecture - Perrin LT, Blizard Building | Reception - Gallery 46

Registration: Eventbrite

Daring to Change: The Secret of Academic Medicine?

Working in academic medicine is an enormous privilege. We look after patients, work with research teams, lead, communicate, learn and have the time and space to address questions that we believe matter. With that variety of activity comes the ever-present and exciting opportunity for change. Sometimes I responded to change and at other times initiated it myself, but there has usually been a choice that felt more daring than others. In this lecture, I will share the stories behind some of those changes that led to my choice of career and then shaped it. Whether or not I changed or dared to change well, I will leave that up to you to decide.

Speaker bio

I graduated from the MB/PhD Programme in Cambridge, where I conducted my doctorate research into host-viral interactions in pre-malignant disease in Professor Coleman’s laboratory at the MRC Cancer Cell Unit. I moved to London to take up an NIHR funded academic training position and worked with Professor Graham Foster where I studied innate immune signalling pathways in cells and models of disease, becoming an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in 2011.

I established my own research group in 2013 focusing on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and its progressive form, Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis or NASH for short. My MRC- and Wellcome-funded basic science laboratory team studies immune and metabolic signalling with current focus on multiorgan inflammation, metabolism and the bioinformatics of single cell techniques. Our translational programme of research addresses NASH epidemiology and natural history, clinical care pathways including the management of abnormal liver tests and novel therapies for NASH. As Chair of the BSG/BASL Special Interest Group I co-led the recent production of UK Quality Standards for NAFLD. I am Director of Research at the Blizard Institute, NIHR Integrated Academic Training Programme Co-Lead at QMUL and one of the Directors of the HARP (Health Advances in Underrepresented Populations and Disease) doctoral training programme.

Please note that this is an in person event only

5.30pm - Welcome by Prof Sir Mark Caulfield

5.35pm - 'Daring to Change: The Secret of Academic Medicine?' - Inaugural lecture by Professor William Alazawi

6.15pm - Reception at Gallery 46


A note from Professor Will Alazawi:

"I would be delighted if you would join my family and me straight after the lecture for drinks, nibbles and music at Gallery 46. The venue is located a two minute walk away from Perrin Lecture Theatre (see directions)."

- Will 



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