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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Disposal of lab waste, recycling, sharps and dirty glassware

Please be aware that there are protocols in place for the safe disposal of all lab waste and procedures in place to ensure the safety of all lab users.

  • Cardboard should be placed directly into the large cages found at the bottom of the mushroom
  • Dirty glassware should be careful placed into the blue boxes to ensure that nothing breaks and our washroom technician can safely collect it all for cleaning
  • Any broken glassware should be placed into either large ecolock bins or placed in the bin located opposite recycling cages that is labelled broken glass/ glassware for disposal
  • Any sharps such as used pipette tips should be placed directly into the yellow sharps bins provided
  • They should not be found inside the blue boxes or open glassware on the lab benches

Please ensure you all follow these protocols so that the lab can be a safe and tidy environment for everyone to work in.



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