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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

DOCUMENTS UPDATE: IMPORTANT: New FMD Peer Review Process to follow from the 1 September 2023

Dear all,

Prof. Amrita Ahluwalia has just provided updated documents regarding the new peer review policy to be implemented from the 1 September 2023.


Indeed, there was a formatting error in the previously circulated document due to the file conversion to word format.

Please do use the attached versions.


Please find attached a document detailing the peer review process that needs to be followed by anyone submitting a research grant proposal. This document was approved by both the FMD Research Strategy Board and the FMD Executive Board.

If you have any queries, please feel free to contact your Institute Research Manager or the Faculty Research Manager.

Amrita Ahluwalia
Prof of Vascular Pharmacology
Dean for Research Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry



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