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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Andrew Durham appointed Deputy Director of Education

We are pleased to announce that Dr Andrew Durham has been appointed Deputy Director of Education for the Blizard Institute.


Andrew is currently a Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science at the Blizard Institute. He leads several modules on the BSc Biomedical Science programme and teaches on the MBBS programme. He received an Education Excellence Award for programme development as part of the Biomedical Sciences programme teaching group in 2020. He was also awarded the President and Principal’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2021.

His research interest focusses on the epigenetic regulation of vascular calcification, and has continued his work in collaboration with Prof. Shanahan at the KCL BHF Centre of Research Excellence where Andrew is also a visiting lecturer.

Andrew said: "It is an honour to be appointed. I am looking forward to working with Jurgen, members of the Blizard and the wider Queen Mary community to support the Institute's provision of education."

Commenting on the appointment, Director of Eduction Dr Jürgen Groet said: "I am very much looking forward working with Andrew and am convinced that his experience in education will serve him well in the role."

We hope you will join us in welcoming Andrew in his new role.

Dr Jürgen Groet



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