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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dr Gail Schofield

Dear colleagues,


We are writing to share the incredibly sad news that our colleague Dr Gail Schofield has passed away. We were informed of her passing by her next of kin yesterday.

Gail was recognised as a leading conservation biologist dedicated to conserving threatened marine wildlife. The focus of her work was on sea turtles. She was a gifted and committed teacher, including to her many personal tutees and PhD candidates. She will also be remembered for terrific outreach on the use of drones in tracking sea turtles.

We are in touch with Gail’s family and will be sending a letter of condolence on behalf of the University.

This terrible news will impact all of us in different ways. Please do look out for each other and do not hesitate to contact our Employee Assistance Programme, which provides a comprehensive range of free, confidential support.

Colin and Wen 

Professor Colin Bailey
President and Principal    

Professor Wen Wang
Vice-Principal (Science and Engineering)



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