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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Drop-in Sessions with Professor Jonathan Grigg

Professor Jonathan Grigg is FMD’s Deputy Dean for research integrity and Chair of the FMD Research Culture and Environment Committee. 


He will be available to meet with FMD Research Staff to discuss research culture across our Faculty. If you would like to meet with Jonathan via MS Teams, please email the Faculty Research Strategy Officer Adam Wilkinson with your preferred date and time.


  • Friday 29 September: 1-2pm 
  • Friday 20 October: 1-2pm 
  • Friday 24 November: 1-2pm 

To book please contact Adam Wilkinson

FMD is committed to an environment that supports the highest standards of research integrity.

FMD Research Culture and Environment Committee remit:

  • To consider/identify strategies that seek to improve the Faculty research culture and research environment.  
  • To propose new initiatives to the Research Strategy Board that seek to deliver actions related to staff survey questions on research culture. 
  • To propose new initiatives to the Research Strategy Board that seek to ensure that researchers have easy and equitable access to training and development, supporting a culture of good research integrity.  
  • To facilitate improved process of assessment of researchers based on a broad contribution to the research environment.



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