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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Dropbox: Invitation to stakeholder workshop

IT Services are looking for a volunteer (or volunteers) for a workshop to help shape institutional Dropbox policy and eligibility criteria. The workshop will be held for two hours in September (date TBC).


Whilst it is anticipated that OneDrive and SharePoint should be used by most staff, the team is establishing a clearly defined policy and approval process for Dropbox Use by Exception at Queen Mary.

If you currently use Dropbox as a means of file sharing within or between institutions and you would like to contribute to the project, please contact Faculty Relationship Manager (Medicine and Dentistry), Beth Prescott (

More detailed information about the workshop:

Dropbox is a widely used file storage and file sharing package which is sometimes used for research collaboration on projects involving multiple universities. As a result, many Queen Mary researchers use Dropbox in preference to OneDrive / SharePoint and other QM managed solutions.

Until now, there has been no oversight, governance, or visibility of the types of data/security of data stored on Dropbox and no accurate map of the current state of Dropbox use at Queen Mary, which raises cybersecurity concerns. To guard Queen Mary against cyber-attacks and protect data, the Information Security Team is implementing a strategic solution for Dropbox use at Queen Mary with proper account management and MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) to comply with Queen Mary cyber security standards.

Whilst it is anticipated that OneDrive and SharePoint should be used by most staff, the team is establishing a clearly defined policy and approval process for Dropbox Use by Exception at Queen Mary.

Key timings: The workshop will be held for two hours in September 2023. Depending on participant availability.

The purpose of this workshop is to:

  1. clearly define specific and realistic eligibility criteria for Dropbox use at Queen Mary 
  2. delineate the approval process for issuing Dropbox licenses on the QM-managed enterprise solution
  3. define an effective and sustainable policy for Dropbox use at Queen Mary
  4. refine the Account Capture process for the Dropbox Project.

During this workshop, you can expect to be: 

  1. informed about the rationale for a strategic solution for Dropbox use at Queen Mary
  2. informed of your role as a key stakeholder in the engagement process for achieving the workshop objectives and why you are being selected.

At this workshop, we would need you to: 

  1. participate in brainstorming sessions to review the proposed criteria/approval process/policy and make valuable input into the development of these
  2. suggest other key stakeholders who you think should be at the table but have not been invited/engaged
  3. provide practical suggestions to ensure the success of the implementation of the Dropbox approval process/policy
  4. contribute to refining the Account Capture process for the Dropbox Project.

What’s in it for you: You will get to shape institutional Dropbox policy, eligibility criteria as a critical friend to ensure Queen Mary community has access to the right tools, at the right time.



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