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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Emergency Lighting Works October 25

On Wednesday 25 October, contractors will undertake emergency lighting maintenance in the open lab bays 13 to 29, East and West sides (area affected shown below). 


These works will be taking place from 5pm and are expected to last one night (8 hours):

lighting works

Ahead of these works can lab users in these bays please clear top shelf on their benches before the works begin on Wednesday. This is because the contractors will need to get onto benches to change lightbulbs and don’t want to knock any bottles over. We also don’t want them to be in danger from any spillages that might occur. Therefore can I suggest that everyone takes a little time to go through all boxes/bottles of reagents etc on the top shelves in their bays and discard what is no longer needed.

Additionally, in bay 13, East and West, the space UNDER the benches will also need to be cleared as the electricians need to get to the wiring which is thought to be behind the panels under the benches.

Blizard Lab Management Team



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