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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Environment & Health MDT - Upcoming Events

View and register for upcoming webinars and seminars


Climate Change, Air Quality & Lung Health Webinar

When: Tuesday, 16 August
Where: Online (virtual)
Time: 17:30 (UK Time), 12:30 (EDT)

This ePanel event will explore micro to macro level impacts of how poor air quality causes lung damage, covering epigenetic and cellular mechanisms to epidemiologic studies. It will tackle the discussion from many angles, gaining perspectives from clinicians, researchers, educators, and public health policy leaders to holistically assess these challenges and identify solutions. 

Register Now to Discover:

  • How are exposures to poor air quality changing because of climate change?
  • Which populations and individuals are most vulnerable?
  • What are the epigenetic and cellular mechanisms underlying lung damage?
  • How can we measure the impact of climate change on lung disease prevalence in communities and populations in various environments, from urban cities to rural populations?
  • How do we identify, protect and treat vulnerable populations, in various contexts?
  • How can the low-carbon energy transition lead to local and immediate health benefits
  • What public health interventions have been successful, or not? Where do we need to focus future research to inform successful policy?

Register Here

Environment & Health MDT - Seminar Series 

The Environment & Health seminar series has proven to be a success so far, with 6 seminars held to date on a range of topics, including:

  • Microbiome and early life
  • Oral health
  • Urban living and the impact of environmental exposures
  • Environmental impact on mental health

The series is set to resume from September 2022. Upcoming dates for seminars include:

  • 13 September, 13:00 - 14:00 - Environmental risk factors to health (Professor Thomas Muenzel and Dr Radu Zabet)
  • 18 October, 13:00 - 14:00 - Air pollution and the role of health professionals (Professor Stephen Holgate)

Registrations for our September and October seminars are now open.

Register for our September seminar here

Register for our October seminar here

Get Involved

If you would like to get involved in the work of the theme, and learn more about the work that we are doing and any upcoming events and workshops, you can join our network. The network is open to anyone with a keen interest in the Environment & Health theme. Please pass onto any colleagues you think would benefit from joining.

For further information about the theme, or if you'd like to contribute to our newsletter/events mailings, contact

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