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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Environment & Health Multi-disciplinary Research Theme: Upcoming research workshops

Following on from the Research Sandpit event held in July 2022, research leads have established four key research workstreams to take forward:

  • The Breathed Environment
  • Environmental effects on the Epigenome
  • Enhancing the Urban Environment
  • Urbanisation and the Microbiome

The team are now organising a series of workshops to establish workstreams for these four key areas. 

Environmental Effects on the Epigenome

Date: Thu 1 Dec, 1-3pm
Location: Old Library, Garrod, W/c
Registration: Eventbrite

The Breathed Environment

Date: Tue 6 Dec, 1-4pm
Location: Old Library, Garrod, W/c
Registration: Eventbrite



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