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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

EPSRC CDT Call 2023 - Call for EOI's and Internal Demand Management Process

I appreciate that the call below may be less relevant to our faculty however if you know of anyone interested and working in the EPSRC area please forward this along and cc me in too. We can also expect a UKRI call for CDTs with an AI focus (like last time) so could be worth considering with that in mind too. Sabari Vallath (


As most of you are aware, the EPSRC pre-announcement for Centres for Doctoral Training is now released ( The expected official opening of the call in November 2022 and a potential deadline for the Outline Stage anticipated in February 2023.

Since the call will have a Demand Management process from EPSRC with caps on the number of bids to be submitted as a lead institute, the Faculty is running a 2-stage internal Demand Management process with the aim of selecting the bid(s) with the greatest chance of success and with an appropriate package of host support.

We will also use this process to gather information on bids where QM is not the lead institution.

  • We ask that all those wanting to submit a proposal (either with QM as the lead or as a partner) to submit an outline of their planned CDT using the pro-forma attached.
  • For bids where QM is likely to be the lead institution, please also complete the attached ‘External Partners Information Sheet’. We are particularly interested to hear about levels of external engagement and likely cash/in-kind contribution as evidence that the CDT proposal is addressing a real industrial/societal/clinical need.
  • Please start the internal costing process to have an idea of requested resources and levels but do not submit for approval until the DM process has concluded.

Completed outline proposals and partner information sheets to be returned by Friday 9 December 2022 to

A Faculty panel will then review those applications and provide feedback so that bids can be refined before final internal Demand Management.

The final outline applications will need to be submitted to the Faculty for an internal Demand Management sifting panel in January 2023 (this will be further confirmed once the official CDT call is open with timelines and clearer guidelines).

We appreciate that the call is not yet open, hence some details may change. However, we want to ensure we are fully prepared for what is likely to be a tight timescale for submission.

S&E Faculty Research Team



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