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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

EU Funding: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023 Call

The European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships (2023) call is now open with an EC deadline of 13 September 2023. 


It funds a postdoc researcher to conduct a structured programme of excellent research in any area, training, two-way sharing of know-how and mobility with a well-matched PI supervisor to enhance their employability. It provides a generous salary and research budget, and is a great recruitment tool to identify top-talented researchers from abroad to join your research group.

Key eligibility requirements: Researchers must have a doctoral degree, a maximum of 8 years' full-time research experience and not have had their main work/residence in the UK for more than 12 months in the past 36 months before the EC MSCA-PF (2023) call deadline. *Resubmission restrictions may also apply.

The UK MSCA National Contact Point will hold a series of webinars in June:

It is strongly recommended to attend all three sessions. Registration is required.

Please also see the QMUL EU Funding and EU MSCA-PF pages.

UK applicants can apply to Horizon Europe, including the MSCA postdoc (2023) fellowship scheme, and be evaluated as if an Associated Country. ​The UK Govt's priority remains to formalise association to Horizon Europe and supports UK applicants.

QM's International R&I EU Pre-Award team provides additional support to QM applicants, including our QMUL (2023) annotated guidance to support proposal preparation and hints & tips as part of our QM repository, as well as conducting eligibility checks, draft proposal reviews, WT costings and approvals, and technical submission support. If you are interested in applying or have any questions, please get in touch EARLY to discuss/book a meeting with the JRMO IRI EU Pre-Award team

Dr. Sascha Rashof (
EU/Intl Bids and Contracts Manager, QM International R&I Team (JRMO)



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