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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

FAO of Consultant Clinical Academics: Pay award

The pay uplift for medical and dental consultants in England from 1 April 2022 has been agreed in line with the relevant pay circular by NHS Employers, this was confirmed  to us by UCEA ( Universities and Colleges Employer Association) yesterday. 


Following the principle of pay parity, the rates are the same as those awarded to comparable NHS staff.  Salaries for medical and dental consultants have been increased by 4.5%, backdated to 1 April 2022.

Queen Mary will be implementing this pay award and its backdating to 1 April 2022 in October’s payroll.

Please contact your usual HR contacts should you have any queries relating  to the pay award implementation.

Marissa Harris
Faculty Strategic HR Partner, School of Medicine and Dentistry



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