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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

FAO Principal Investigators: Google PhD Fellowships

Deadline 9am Monday 12 September


Dear all,

Please see below a call for expressions of interest (due this coming Monday) for Google PhD fellowships in the field of computer science and related areas. Sorry it’s very short notice, the form is thankfully short but you will need to have a named candidate.


QMUL is running a demand management process for applications to the 2022/3 Google PhD Fellowship Programme.  Information on the fellowship programme can be found here:

If you are interested in being one of the 3 QMUL applicants please complete an expression of interest on the form here: before 9am Monday 12th September
Expressions of Interest will be shortlisted by a team of academics in DERI and applications will be scored on the following criteria:

  • The strength of the research proposal including innovative concepts relevant to the call
  • Potential research impact to the field
  • Student academic achievements
  • Student leadership potential

The 3 successful QMUL applications will be supported to submit their final applications which are due with Google on 30th September.  The Doctoral College will provide relevant written support documentation.

Professor Kenneth Linton (



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