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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Flying Faculty Computers and staff travelling to high-risk countries

We now have a provision for flying faculty and those travelling to high-risk countries.


All staff travelling to high-risk countries should read the policy found here: in the cyber security and GDPT mandatory training area. 

Staff will need to read the policy by clicking on the link and check the box to state that they have read the policy. 

Any staff member travelling to a high-risk country will need to be provisioned a loan laptop. You can do this by raising a Service Desk ticket.

You should select Hardware request and laptop loan – travel to high-risk areas. Please allow 10 working days for your request to be fulfilled. Once you return you should hand the laptop back to be wiped.

Staff should not take managed or devices which contain QM research to high-risk countries. On return, devices should not be connected to the QM network. We would strongly recommend that you request a loan device for your travels. 

Guidance will be provided with the loan laptop and is provided in the policy. 

See additional information on research.

Information about accessing online resources and QM accounts and documents can be found in the IS14-Staff-travelling-to-high-risk-countries policy.



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