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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

FMD Clinical Leadership opportunities

The FMD is looking for motivated clinical academics to lead three pathways for trainees in the newly formed Clinical Academic Training School (CATS).


The Special Foundation Programme (SFP) provides academic rotations for doctors in their FY2 year and the NIHR Integrated Academic Training (IAT) programme’s Academic Clinical Fellow (ACF) and Clinical Lecturer (CL) supports doctors through the specialty training period. Over the last few years these programmes have expanded and made major contributions to the Faculty, its environment, and outputs. The opportunity is to continue this development and create a vibrant hub for our growing clinical academic training community.

We welcome expression of interest from colleagues who would like to play a leadership role in these three interlinked strands. Please find the descriptions for the SFP and NIHR IAT lead roles attached. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Please send your expression of interest to outlining why you would like to contribute to these roles and which specific stream you are interested in by 18 August 2023.

Marta Korbonits MD, PhD, FRCP
Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism

Will Alazawi  MA(Cantab) MB BChir PhD FRCP
Professor of Hepatology

Bijal Tailor
Clinical Academic Training School Manager



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