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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

FMD Interim Statement on the use of Chat GPT and other Generative AI sites by students

We would like to clarify the current faculty position concerning the use of ChatGPT and other AI sites by students in the preparation of assessments.


The use of Chat GPT and other AI sites by students in the preparation of their assessments is not prohibited unless specifically stated by Module Organisers. However if students do use AI sites to prepare their assessments they must reference them in the same way as any other source materials. If students use ChatGPT or other AI sites outside of these boundaries it will be considered academic misconduct.

Full guidelines for staff can be found on the following page

Read full guidance

Professor Anthony Warrens
Dean for Education, FMD

Professor Chie Adachi
Dean for Digital Education, FMD 



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