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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Freezer Assets (insured values)

Queen Mary recently had a freezer audit carried out by an external company, PCH Engineers. This freezer audit has helped identify individual freezers, their locations, plus the risk management precautions which are currently in place. Unfortunately the audit does not identify values stored in freezers. Lab Management now needs your help in identifying each freezer value in order for our Insurers to understand the risk exposure.


When calculating the replacement values of the freezer samples the following needs to be considered:

  • The cost of buying the base products such as tissue samples, proteins or cell lines
  • The staff costs involved in replicating the research work (in many cases the staff costs involved in replicating the research far exceed the material costs)
  • The value of the research grant involved

Insurers will not require an exact calculation regarding the freezer asset values as approximate values can be used. The calculation needs to represent likely values of the stored samples/staff cost etc.

If you are unsure of staff costs/research grants please leave it blank.

Below is the spreadsheet which requires values for column L-O.  Also below are the maps which will help identify the location of the freezers.

Please send updated spreadsheets back to Claire Cox ( by 23 January 2023. If you have any questions please let Claire know.

Freezer schedule insured values [Excel]

Blizard freezers [PDF 3,608KB]

Abernethy freezers [PDF 2,299KB]

QMBIO freezers [PDF 2,001KB]



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