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Blizard Institute - Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

Funding Opportunity: 2024 Butterfield Awards in UK-Japan Medicine and Health - Deadline 15 December 2023

Message sent on behalf of Sabari Vallath, FMD Research Manager


Dear Colleague,

We are writing to let you know that we are inviting applications for grants in medicine and health under our Butterfield Award Programme.

The principal intention of the programme is to enable researchers, practitioners, policy makers and voluntary sector workers in Japan and the UK to share experience and advance knowledge and good practice, and to facilitate UK-Japan professional exchanges and small-scale collaborations. 

Applications can be in any relevant field of medicine and health. Projects in the economics and management of healthcare, public health and the interface between medical and social care are particularly welcome.

Grants are not available to fund laboratory consumables and equipment nor for the purely clinical costs of joint research projects but are intended, for example, to help towards travel and living expenses of such research collaborations, or towards seminars, conferences, workshops or publications. 

With entry restrictions for Japan now eased, we look forward to supporting projects involving travel and research between the UK and Japan in this coming round. The maximum amount per year is £10,000, for up to three years of continuous support, therefore offering up to £30,000 for a single project. 

The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation is now registered as a National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Non-commercial Partner organisation for the Butterfield Awards, with projects in receipt of a Butterfield Award therefore eligible for NIHR Clinical Research Network Support:

Further background information is attached, and for examples of the kind of projects that have received our funding, our Annual Reports list Butterfield awards made each year and provide examples of the kind of projects that have received our funding in the past. These Reports can be viewed on our website

You can also download the Butterfield Programme application form from our website: And the form is also attached. The form also now requests that you identify the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals ( the project supports.

The deadline for applications is 15 December 2023 for projects beginning no earlier than 31 March 2024. Applications will be reviewed and if eligible will be submitted to our Trustees for review at their meeting in March 2024.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require clarification of the procedures, the award criteria, or should you wish to discuss with us the eligibility of a particular project. Please note that proposals that do not fulfil our special Butterfield Award criteria may still be eligible for funding under our regular programme of grants within the medicine and health category. You may apply to the regular programme, on our standard application form, should you consider your project unsuitable for a Butterfield Award. Please also feel free to pass this message on to any colleagues or associates to whom this may be of interest.

    Rory Steele
    Programmes Executive
    The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
    24 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4TQ



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